Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Umami or not to Umami

Umami. It's a term I've been hearing a lot lately in the culinary world. What is it you ask? The Japanese have coined this word to describe the elusive 5th sense. Salty, Sweet, Sour, Bitter and Umami. When you bite into something with Umami you might let out a little moan or perhaps the hairs on your arm will stand up. Its that bite you say, "You've got to try this!"

natural way to add Umami to food is with anchovy...make that, the dreaded anchovy! It's the ingredient that people love to hate. If they don't know it's in the dish they love it (Caesar Dressing, Olivada, Puttanesca)...tell them it's in it and they'll order it without. (then it's no longer Caesar Dressing!) Yes, I will agree that if the chef gets heavy handed with the ingredient it will ruin the dish. The trick it adding enough to make your taste buds pop but not so much that you can even tell anchovy is in it. 

My dilemma? Umami or not to Umam